Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Crate Schedule and "To-Do" List

There's so much to think about in getting ready for the pup!  I created Google docs to help keep it all together in my mind.  Things that are on the list include:
  • buy crate, food bowls, leashes, toys, food
  • move Molly feeding area (move printer to spare room)
  • figure out feeding/potty schedule
  • find vet and make first appt
  • puppy-proof house (electric cords, trash cans, move bass?)
Molly is my 3-year-old tabby cat.  I've already moved her food from a spot on the kitchen floor to a raised area in the dining room where the printer used to be.  The printer... is homeless for now.  We need to get more shelving so that we have a spot for the printer.  (Our house is a small 2 bedroom/1 bath, so it's always a challenge figuring out where to put stuff.)  

Chris made a vet appointment for Feb 21 (the day after Kai comes home) with a vet that our friends use. 

The feeding/potty schedule... I'm sure that will have to semi-play out by ear.  The breeder said that Kai should be able to get through the night in his crate without having to potty.  I really hope she's right!  For daytime, I created this tiresome schedule:

6:00 AM    V:  puppy outside
6:10 AM    V:  feed puppy in crate
6:40 AM    V:  puppy outside
6:50 AM    V/C:  puppy in playpen
7:45 AM    C: puppy playtime and final potty break
8:00 AM    C: puppy in crate
11:30 AM    V: puppy outside
11:45 AM    V:  feed puppy/playtime
12:20 PM    V:  puppy outside
12:30 PM    V:  puppy in crate
4:10 PM    V:  puppy outside
4:20 PM    V:  puppy in playpen/playtime
5:30 PM    C:  feed puppy
6:00 PM    C:  puppy outside
6:10 PM    C/V:  flexible, include some playtime, crate if needed
7:00 PM    C/V:  put water away for the night
9:30 PM    C: puppy outside
9:40 AM    C/V: puppy playtime
11:00 PM    C:  final outside for puppy and then crate for night

Chris nearly had an aneurysm when he saw this!  I'll admit that I am sort of Type A about this stuff, and he is more like Type Z.  But I just really want to try my best to start the pup off on the right foot.  This schedule doesn't have Kai crated for more than 3.5 hours at a time during the work day.  Chris and I both work full time, so we can't always be at home to watch Kai.  I'll be coming home for lunch for as long as needed, to let Kai out and feed him.  I'm already having to change my work hours (not to mention going home for lunch) so I really hope this schedule will work out.

Ok.  I am tired just looking at that schedule.  (But I'm really tired anyway because I'm in the middle of tech week.)

On a different note, the breeder sent me this photo of Kawaii and Nobu (the father, standing on the right).  Nobu is owned by a different breeder, and we have not met him, so it was nice to see the photo.  He's quite handsome, imo.

And here is Molly.  I hope she will be nice to her new little brother.  She is a very sweet cat, but I have no idea how she'll react to having a new presence in the household.


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