Monday, September 17, 2012

Mendocino With Kai

special goodies just for Kai at the inn
We took Kai on a fairly nice vacation recently, to the Stanford Inn in Mendocino.  The Stanford Inn is a dog-friendly retreat with an excellent vegan restaurant.  You even can take your dog to the restaurant while you eat!  I think Kai had a great time.  He visited two different dog parks (in Mendocino and Fort Bragg, where he got super muddy!).  He spent lots of time digging holes and running around on the beach.  I bought him treats at the pet shop in Mendocino Village.  He walked around and got lots of attention from everyone, and even got to meet another Shiba (a black and tan... she didn't like Kai.  But her owners said she doesn't like most dogs).

 Kai did ok on the trip, for the most part.  He had his share of monstering, though.  Our room had a outdoor balcony, and he kept wanting to go out, but I didn't want him out there unsupervised because I was worried that he'd be able to squeeze through the fence slats and run out (we were on the ground level).  He would keep trying to scratch at the door to the balcony, and we had to block it at one point to get him to stop.  During our first breakfast, we had to take him back to the room, because he wanted to bark too much and we didn't want the other guests to be disturbed.  Kai also decided that firewood kindling was fun to chew, so I had to clean that up.  Overall, though, he was pretty good.  I'm glad we took him, even though he had his brat moments.  We are SO lucky in that he's always fine once in his crate.  We crated him a couple times so that we could enjoy the pool area and go out to our favorite pizza place.  He immediately relaxes and just chills out in there.  I always make sure he has a chew toy in there, but 99% of the time he just sleeps.

sweet potato treat!
Kai sees his first llama
Llamas are so interesting!
sleepy and tired after a long day of monstering

handsome boys

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sulking at the Gym

We've tried taking Kai to the gym a few more times, so that he doesn't have to be left alone at home when we go.  But he just doesn't seem to like going.  He gets all sulky.

Kai does his "Yoda ears" when he is grumpy

I don't know if he dislikes the large space with weird people climbing high up on walls, or if there are too many bros, or if he just gets grumpy about having to be stuck sitting somewhere while Chris and I do our gym things.  It's kind of a bummer, because we go to the gym a lot and we totally were planning on taking him all the time once he was old enough.  Hopefully he'll get more used to it, but for now, we are only taking him occasionally.  I don't want to force him to be there if he isn't enjoying himself!

Kai's kennel cough, fortunately, seems to be totally cleared up now.  Yay!  So he gets to go on walks again, and he can visit Cousin Vinny for playtime this weekend.  I can tell that Kai is getting a bit restless after having been cooped up in the house so much while he was sick.  He misses playing with other dogs :/

Monday, July 30, 2012

Getting Along

Kai is still not 100% over his kennel cough yet, but he's been coughing less and less.  Hopefully we'll be able to start taking him out soon!

I wish I could say that Kai and Molly are friends, but I think they mostly just tolerate each other.  Once in a while, though, they will actually hang out together, and that is always so cute!

Molly keeps Kai company

Friday, July 27, 2012

Kennel Cough :(

Poor Kai has kennel cough!  He most likely picked it up last weekend at Wag Hotel.  We boarded him there overnight last weekend while we were in Santa Cruz.  He was fine until Wednesday morning, when he woke us up at 6am making the most horrible gagging sounds.  I was so worried and we almost took him to the emergency vet.  Instead, we took him to our regular vet that morning.  The vet said that it's a bad time of year for kennel cough right now, and the bordatella vaccine really can't do much against it because of the vast variety of strains out there.  Infected dogs will go several days before showing symptoms, but they are still contagious during that time, so it's really impossible for places like Wag Hotel to totally keep it out, no matter how clean the place is.

The vet gave us a week's worth of antibiotics (to prevent a secondary infection) and cough suppressant.  Kai has to stay away from other dogs while he's contagious, which can be for up to a week after his symptoms go away.  We're not even supposed to take him on walks or do anything else that could excite him and trigger the coughing. 

We had planned on taking Kai back to Wag for All Day Play this weekend, and also he was supposed to get some play time with Cousin Vinny.  Now he's stuck at home.  We can't even take him to the dog park.  I feel so bad for poor little Kai.  I hope he gets better soon!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mendocino With Kai

Kai went on his second camping trip with us, this time to MacKerricher Campground, near Fort Bragg.  He got to hang out with Dylan, visit the beach, stroll around Mendocino, and play at the Mendocino dog park.  He even went to some restaurants with us and was a relatively good boy.  Kai got pretty dirty at the dog park, but his magical Shiba coat somehow manages to repel the dirt away after a couple of hours!

Kai and Dylan enjoy the beach
hangin' out with the boys
Kai sits awkwardly in our tent

mid-day nap for tired doggies
lounging on the camp chair
Kai was a good boy at the fancy vegan restaurant

Dylan also enjoys lounging on camp chairs

Monday, July 9, 2012

Too Much Barking

I just found out last weekend that Kai apparently has been barking his head off whenever he's left alone!  Chris and I had no idea.  Kai never has exhibited any signs of anxiety when we prepare to leave, he doesn't bark when we DO leave... he is always excited when we come back, but not overly so.  He has a doggie door, so he can go in and out as he pleases, and he has our cat Molly to keep him company.  I come home for lunch every day during the week, so he's never alone for more than about four hours.  But our neighbor said that Kai has been barking like that for about a month now.  The neighbors were super nice about it and I feel terrible on many levels.  Obviously, I don't want to piss off the neighbors, and I also don't want Kai to be experiencing anxiety on a daily basis.  This seems like a tough issue to address.  How are we supposed to know what's going on when we aren't there?  Kai is such a confident little guy.  I never thought he could develop separation anxiety.

We had already planned a trip to Sierra Nevada Brewing Company in Chico for Sunday for a friend's belated birthday, so we had to quickly find a solution for Kai.  We didn't want to leave him stuck in the house alone all day, and we didn't have anyone who could watch him.  Obviously we couldn't leave him outside since the neighbors had just complained!  We called a local doggie daycare/boarding place called Wag Hotel.  This place was recommended by a friend of mine, and they got really good Yelp reviews.  Since Kai has had all his shots, they were able to take him for All Day Play on Sunday.  They have a doggie cam, so we could see how he was doing while we were in Chico.  Kai ended up having a blast!

Kai's report card and photos from his first All Day Play at Wag Hotel
We took a tour of the facilities at Wag Hotel and felt comfortable with it, so we are going to try boarding him there for future trips.  It's not cheap, but I guess part of owning a dog is accepting the extra cost of boarding if we want to do things out of town and can't take him.  And it's worth the extra cost if Kai can also enjoy his time, rather than just be sitting miserable in a small kennel somewhere.

For the work week, we are going to try some things to hopefully alleviate the barking:
1.  Kai will have to be kept in the house.  Doggy door will be locked.  That way, if he barks, it shouldn't be loud enough to annoy anyone
2.  Kai will get a peanut butter-filled Kong before the last person leaves the house.  The Kong will be a special treat that Kai only gets when he's going to be left alone.
3. (this one we've sort of been doing already, but we'll have to be more conscious of it) We won't make a big deal of leaving or returning home.  When we come home we'll ignore Kai for a few minutes, until he calms down.
4.  either the TV or classical music will be left on in the house when Kai's by himself
5.  We'll try to set up a doggie cam so that we can see how Kai does when he's alone
6.  We're going to have to start taking Kai to the gym with us, every time we go.  We probably won't be able to get as good of a workout in for a while, until Kai gets used to being there, but we can live with that.

I REALLY hope that this is just a phase that Kai's going through.  He really isn't an anxious or nervous dog at all, and he's not needy when we are at home.  The neighbor said it's been going on for about a month, and we've been leaving Kai out in the mornings longer than that... so I wonder if something happened about a month ago that scared him and triggered this behavior.  Maybe someone was getting their trees trimmed or something.  But anyway, I hope these steps will work out okay.  And if Kai seems to settle down, we can try leaving the dog door open for him again in a couple of months, and just ask our neighbor to let us know how he does.

The bad thing is that Molly is going to have to be locked OUT of the house in the mornings now.  I don't want her to feel trapped with Kai indoors.  In the afternoons, I've been crating Kai anyway, so that won't change, and then Molly can come in and out as she pleases.  I hope the week goes okay!

so sleepy and tired after All Day Play 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dog Park

We took Kai to the dog park for the first time yesterday.  It was Kai's first July 4th, and we had a full day of stuff to do, so we wanted to get him nice and tired out so that he'd be ok hanging out at parties with us and not monstering everywhere.

Kai had lots of fun with these two dogs

Kai did great at the park.  He had so much fun playing with all the other dogs there.  He'd run around super fast, trying to get the dogs to chase him.  Sometimes he'd run so fast that his legs would get tangled up and he'd topple over, but he'd just get right back up and carry on.  Kai is so spunky and fearless.  He doesn't care how big the dog is.  He just wants to play with everyone.

Chase me!!
oooh look at how vicious I am.

Water break
tired happy Shiba

Monday, June 18, 2012

Shaved Puppy Belly

 Kai is bouncing back from his neutering surgery just fine.  Since the vet had to go searching for an undescended testicle, Kai had to have his belly shaved.  It looks funny, but since it's been in the high 90's this week, it's probably actually cooler for him this way.  He's licked the suture area a little bit, but not too much, and the area is healing nicely.

I think Kai is getting a little stir crazy, though.  The vet said no walking or playing fetch with Kai for about a week, at least, and no other vigorous play activities.  Kai really WANTS to play, though.  I think we'll be able to start walking him again by the end of the week. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Deed is Done

in the waiting room on the morning of the Big Day
We took Kai to get neutered a couple of days ago.  He had to fast from the previous evening, at 6pm, until we took him to the vet.  No food, no water.  No treats at bedtime.  Kai kept looking around for his water bowl in the evening, and I felt bad.

The vet had already told us that they wanted to keep Kai there for a couple of days following the surgery, so I knew that it would be a quiet time at home.  It was weird to come home for lunch and not have a puppy bouncing around everywhere.  It was just Molly, and she is so tiny (only a 7 pound kitty) and mellow.  Molly was meowing at me more than usual, almost like she was trying to ask me where the monster went.  I couldn't stop thinking about Kai all morning.  I knew the surgery might get complicated because one of his testicles never descended.

Chris called the vet in the afternoon, as instructed by the vet, and found out that everything went fine.  Kai also got microchiped and had his nails trimmed, and was just resting.

We picked Kai up after two nights at the vet.  He was really excited to see us!  He looked somehow smaller than I had remembered him... maybe because of the surgery, or because part of his underside was shaved.  The vet had to make two incisions, one right in front of Kai's scrotum (to remove the normal testicle) and one along the side of Kai's penis (to go into the abdomen).  Kai has sutures, so we'll have to take him back in two weeks to get those removed.  I hope that isn't too traumatic.  Poor little Kai.  It almost looks like someone tried to cut his penis off.  :(  (I wanted to take a photo, but Chris refused to let me.)  He is doing great, though.  They didn't even send him home with a Cone of Shame, because he hasn't been messing around with his surgery area.  The vet told us to not play too vigorously with him or take him on walks for a week or so while he's healing.  And Kai doesn't seem to hate us for sending him away to get his balls chopped off.

Kai was so happy to come home with us.  Normally he rides in a crate in the car, but we let him ride up front with us for the 1.5 mile drive home.

I know that getting Kai neutered was the right thing to do.  It actually was in our purchase contract with the breeder, for one thing.  And in Kai's case, an undescended testicle can mean a high chance of testicular cancer in the future if it's not removed.  It can also cause the dog pain, if the testicle is sitting at a weird place in his abdomen.  We have no desire to breed or show him, so he doesn't need to stay intact.  He will be happier because won't have that need to "sow his seed".  But part of me still feels a little sad and guilty.  I kept thinking of the Avox in the Hunger Games books, for some reason.  The Avox are characters... slaves... who have had their tongues removed so that they can't speak.  Obviously, Kai isn't a "slave", but he is fully dependent on our decisions for him.  He didn't get a say in whether he kept his balls or not.  He had to go through a somewhat invasive surgery, and two weeks of recovery time, to remove those dang balls.  We would never remove a human boy's testicles if the boy knew that he would never want kids!  I know it's not the same thing, though.  I had an unneutered dog, a terrier mix, as a kid, and he would occasionally run away to do this thing.  He'd always come back.  But one time, he didn't come back.  We got a letter from the city a week later, saying that he had been hit by a car and was killed.  He was identified by his tags.  So for me, as an adult, I know that I would always want to spay/neuter my pet, just for that reason.

Kai gets a treat for being such a brave boy.

Anyway, it's all over now.  Well, the big part is over... we still have to take him back to get those sutures removed.  I don't know how that will go.  I am already having visions of Kai Shiba screaming all over the place, and (for once) I can't say that I would blame him!

Everyone was tired by the end of the day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Doggy Dash

fun times at the Doggy Dash
Chris and I took Kai up to see the events at the Doggy Dash last weekend.  The Doggy Dash is a 5K run sponsored by the Sacramento SPCA.  In addition to the race, they have tons of vendor booths, demonstrations, and fun contests (costume, tallest dog, etc.).  We didn't run this year... Kai is still learning how to walk on a leash... but there was still so much to see there!  Kai did so good.  It was super crowded, both with people and with other dogs.  Kai wasn't scared or monstering at all.  He was just friendly and interested in everyone, both human and canine.  I was so proud of him.  He got really tuckered out, though, and Chris ended up carrying Kai back to the car.

Kai with the Great Dane who won "Tallest Dog"

Kai and another Shiba, who was also named "Kai", watch the festivities.
Kai's leash skills are still somewhat lacking, but he has made HUGE progress as far as his fear of the leash goes.  He used to tantrum and Shiba scream like nobody's business when we would try to attach the leash to his collar, but now he will sit still and let us do it.  I can tell that he still doesn't really like that process, but now he knows that once the leash is on, something fun (like a WALK) will happen.  We were able to get him to accept the leash by first giving him treats while holding the leash in the treat hand... then touching the leash to him while giving him a treat... slowly, over time, extending that out.  And we made sure to use the word WALK a lot when we would start out.  Now, if we ask him "Do you want to go on a walk?" he immediately gets excited and runs to the back gate to get ready.

We're using a martingale collar for walks now.  Kai slipped his regular collar last week when I was walking him and nearly gave me a heart attack.  I had to chase him down the street and lure him back to me with treats.  The martingale collar seems to be working well for now.

Tomorrow will be a big day for Kai... he's finally getting neutered.  It's hard to believe he's already at that age, six months old!  I hope it all goes smoothly.  I hate to think of my little guy having to go under the knife, but I know we need to do it-- and better to just get it over with, I guess.  The vet likes to board the dog after the surgery for a day or two to make sure the dog has calm recovery time, so it's going to be a quiet couple of days around the house.  Poor little Kai.  I hope he doesn't hate the vet (and us) after this!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chris Jr. and Sr.

You can almost see the family resemblance in these photos!  They have the same look in their eye.  That's only one of the many reasons I sometimes call Kai 'Chris Jr.".

 Kai gives his dad kisses.

Shibas are a handful, but they are never boring!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Shiba Party!

Kai waiting to meet some of his kind.

Chris and I took Kai to the 22nd Annual Shiba Party in Novato, hosted by the Shiba Fanciers of Northern California.  I heard that it's the biggest Shiba event in the country, and there were many Shibas there of all colors, ages, and sizes.  It was so fun to see the variation in them all!  Kai did pretty well.  He wanted to play with all the Shibas, but (as typical to the breed, I guess) many of them weren't really interested in playing.  He did get to play with a few of them, though.  It's crazy seeing Shibas play together.  Definitely more teeth than when Kai plays with other dogs!


Kai seems like he's a normal size for a male Shiba of his age.  At 5 1/2 months old, he actually is already bigger than a lot of adult female Shibas.  He's also redder than most of the ones we saw, and he doesn't have as much white on him (although I guess that could still change over the coming months).  There was one girl there that looked a lot like Kai, with a very red coat and black tippy-tail.

just a few of the many other Shibas at the party

 I was surprised to see quite a few Shiba puppies at the party.  I personally would be scared to bring a pup who wasn't fully vaccinated to a dog park, but I suppose it's a great opportunity for socialization.  It's hard to believe Kai was that tiny and fuzzy only a few months ago!


 There were a lot of fun events and contests scheduled for later in the afternoon, but we got fairly tuckered out so we didn't stay for that stuff.  Maybe next year :)

Kai sticks his tongue out at the camera.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Then and Now

The top photo is Kai at eight weeks old, and the bottom was taken just the other day, at 5 1/2 months old.  He's changed so much!  Kai is a handsome little man now.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shibas Make Good Pillows

Kai is so proud now that he's big enough to get up on the bed all by himself!  I've been letting him out of the crate early in the morning so that he can have some snuggle time at the foot of the bed with us before the day begins.

The other day, he decided that my pillow looked more comfy than the foot of the bed.

Molly wasn't so sure about having the Shiba on the bed.  When Kai was smaller, only Molly got to sleep on the bed with us.

Chris discovered that Shibas make good pillows.  That is, until the Shiba wakes up...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yap Yap Yap Yap

ice cube for the teething pup
I guess Kai is going through a barking phase... he's been a lot more vocal lately.  He barks if a strange cat is in the yard, he barks at Molly, he barks if he sees people with dogs walk by the house, he barks at the neighbor when he's in his backyard... etc.  If it moves, it's worth barking at, as far as Kai is concerned.

Yesterday was borderline ridiculous!  First he was barking his head off after I got home from work.  I went outside to see what he was barking at, and he was staring at the fence.  His little body was shaking (anger?  fear?  I don't know!).  I couldn't even figure out what the hell he was barking at for a while... I thought maybe there was a cat, or even a skunk, on the other side of the fence, but I didn't hear any movement.  I finally realized that there was a small lizard hunkering down right by the fence.  The poor lizard was missing part of his tail (I don't know if Kai ate it or not...) and was definitely alive, but sitting very still, trying to camouflage himself.  Kai didn't want to actually get near the lizard... he stayed a couple of feet away.  But he would not stop barking, even after I tried to hide the lizard by putting some bricks in front of it.  I took Kai inside twice, and both times he ran right back to the lizard as soon as I let him back out.  Finally, I had to lock the pet door for about 20 minutes.  I guess that gave the lizard enough time to make his escape, because when Kai finally got to go back outside, Mr. Lizard was gone.  Whew. 

A few hours later, Kai was having another barking fit in the backyard.  This time, it was over a dragonfly... the dragonfly looked like it was pretty much dead.  But Kai wasn't convinced.  I tried to hide the dragonfly by putting an upturned bucket over it, and distracting Kai, and he eventually decided to stop barking.

About a half hour after that, Kai started barking his head off... AGAIN... this time in the spare bedroom.  I assumed he was barking at Molly, but when I went in there, Kai was by himself.  I was like "wtf are you barking at NOW?!" and then I saw it... it was something very scary... a Q-tip.  Yes, ladies and gentleman, my dog was barking his head off at a Q-tip that somehow had fallen out of the trash and was lying on the floor.  Chris and I laughed so hard we were both crying.

Poor Kai is still teething... I saw some blood spots on his stuffed shark the other day, and he sometimes doesn't want to eat.  But he seems to be doing okay with it overall.  He has his vet appointment to be neutered in a few weeks, and the vet said that any remaining baby teeth could be popped out at that time.  I can't believe he's going to be six months old soon!  Time flies!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Five Months Old!

lounging puppy
Kai had his five month vet visit to get his rabies shot and check on his, um, balls.  Unfortunately, one testicle still hasn't descended, but we went ahead and made an appointment for his neutering, which will be in mid-June.  The vet said that there is a chance that the testicle could descend on its own by then, although usually they both have already done so by five months.  If it doesn't come down by surgery time, Kai can still be neutered, but the surgery may be more involved, depending on how far up the testicle is.  Kai hasn't had any health issues at all so far... in fact, he's quite a sturdy, robust little guy, so I hope that this won't be too much of an issue.

I've been so busy with a demanding gig schedule over the last month (eight performances a week, in addition to still working my regular full-time job) that I haven't had as much time to spend with Kai as I would have liked.  His puppy class is over now, and we still try to take him out when we can, but it hasn't been as much as before.  Poor little Kai.  As soon as my gig is over (after this week) I really want to work more with him.  He has been really great, but he has a couple of issues we definitely need to address.  The big one is Kai's fear/hatred of putting anything on:  collar, harness, leash, all make him do the Shiba scream, BIG time.  I think it might actually be more traumatic for me than for him, but he clearly doesn't like the process.  I've tried a couple different types of harnesses, thinking that maybe he just didn't like the feeling of a collar around his neck, but the harnesses are even more difficult to put on him.  And FORGET about trying to adjust a harness once it's on him!  He will tantrum all over the place.

Other issues that we need to work on are:  leash skills (he can walk on a leash, but he pulls.  I think/hope that once we start properly working on leash training, he'll get this one down quickly) and mouthing.  He STILL wants to mouth people when they pet him.  He has a very gentle mouth, and I don't mind if he gently mouths my hand, but I want to cut the habit because I don't think everyone who pets him would want him nomming on them!  Especially kids.  There was a girl at the gym the other week who really wanted to pet Kai, but I had to be careful in letting her because I didn't want her to think that Kai was going to bite her.

The gig has been a great experience (I normally wouldn't be able to accept a gig with such a demanding schedule, and have been so lucky in that my boss at work and my boyfriend have both been really helpful in managing everything) but I will be glad to return to normal life soon!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Camping With Kai

Camping Master
Kai experienced his first camping trip with a group of our friends, and he had a blast!  We went to Sunset State Beach.  There were 10 people and two other dogs for Kai to play with.  I wasn't sure how he would do, having to be on a lead all weekend, since he still doesn't really have any leash skills yet and sometimes will tantrum on a leash.  But he did great.  We had him on a 20' lead, so that was long enough for him to run around camp and play with everyone and still keep him secure.  We put his crate under one side of our tent's rain fly, draped a blanket over it,  and he was cozy in there at night.  He had so much fun at the beach, digging lots of holes and throwing sand everywhere.  It was such a nice, relaxing vacation for everyone!

Kai with his new friend Bailey

Attempting to dig back to Japan with Dylan's help

Kai had no problem taking the only chair on the beach

happy puppy

frolicking on the beach

catching some shade

curled up by the campfire